Friday, October 06, 2006

Enter the 2006 Logitech Football Challenge!

Etienne Gibbs (eagibbs) is inviting you to participate in the 2006 Logitech Football Challenge.

Whether you pick consistent winners or side with the loser each time, you'll be eligible to win great prizes every time you play!

Play hard! You just might win!

Make great picks week after week and you'll have a shot at the Pro Bowl® Trip 4-2 to Hawaii. The player with the highest score at the end of the NFL® Season will get roundtrip airfare and 4 nights accommodations for 2, hotel and game day transfers, PLUS 2 tickets to the Official NFL® Tailgate party and Pro Bowl game on Saturday, February 10, 2007.

So be sure to play every week to accumulate the most points possible to be eligible for this prize!

Click here to register for the game and to be eligible to win great prizes including a trip to Hawaii!